What Is

Trans/Misogynistic-Bias is the function through which Trans/Misogyny perpetuates itself.

Biases are cognitive loops, ones created by contradictions within an individual's logic. These loops lead the biased individual towards conclusions which prove the contradiction TRUE, even when it is objectively FALSE. As its name suggests, Trans/Misogynistic-Bias is a cognitive loop created by the contradiction that is Trans/Misogyny.

The Trans/Misogynistic-Bias loop leads the biased individual towards conclusions which assert that Women and Men are real, as logic which asserts that Women and Men are real will inherently prove that the Gender Binary is real. Since the Gender Binary cannot be real without Trans/Misogyny to sustain it, its existence inherently proves that Trans/Misogyny is real, which then goes on to prove the Gender Binary real.

Trans/Misogyny proves the Gender Binary, which proves Trans/Misogyny in turn. This feedback loop is what gives birth to Gendered Reality, and due to this reality's structure being built on trans/misogynistic logic, logic within Gendered Reality will always affirm Trans/Misogynistic-Bias.

It's because of this that Trans/Misogyny = TRUE is a universal constant within Gendered Reality, though the simplicity of this equation belies the true nature of Trans/Misogynistic-Bias. Because just as Trans/Misogyny is composed of both transphobia and misogyny, Trans/Misogynistic-Bias is given shape by twin cognitive loops.